TIP! Have you ever spilled wine on one of your favorite shirts? When this occurs, immediately grab some Windex. Windex is much better at fighting wine stains than regular soap and water.

Are you aware of everything about wine? Surely not, and therefore you certainly have knowledge to gain by continuing to read this piece. Is there something specific you wish to know? Keep on reading to learn more facts about this delicious friend.

TIP! You can make a great sauce for beef dishes with wine. To make the sauce, just add a pat of butter to your preferred red wine in a saucepan.

Seafood goes great with Pinot Grigio. This wine will really bring out the strong flavor of seafood or fish. White wine in general is also a good choice to pair with seafood. Try a bottle with your next meal, and you will probably find that you enjoy the combination of flavors.

TIP! When you want to collect wine, you will need a wine cellar. That is important if you get pricey wine you don’t want to keep in the kitchen but want to drink eventually.

Be familiar with the store where you buy your wine. Not every shop is the same. You will find that no two stores offer the same labels, price points and themes. If you’re just starting to get into wine, filling your collection with expensive labels isn’t the best way to start. Instead, look for a seller who can cater to your special desires and needs.

TIP! If you tend to get headaches after drinking wine, you should drink wine less often. Wine contains sulfites, which can be the cause of more frequent headaches.

Buy one bottle of wine when you want to sample it. There are many different wines, and it is hard to know which ones will meet your approval. It’s a great idea to test out one bottle before making a commitment to get a case of that wine.

TIP! Don’t believe the word that white wine must be chilled. Different types of white wines have unique textures and weights, making each one different with regards to ideal serving temperature.

If you’re getting headaches because your drinking wine with every meal, cut down on your consumption. Wine has a large amount of sulfites, which can give you headaches if you have it often. Drink water on off days, to filter some of the wine out of your system.

TIP! Go to where the wine is. You will really appreciate a wine after seeing where the grapes grow and also associate a wine you love with pleasant memories.

Keep reds and whites in the right glasses. Narrow glasses are used for white wine because it helps to prevent warm air from making contact with the wine. Reds however, are better in a large-mouthed wide glass. This allows for better airflow and allows the wine to warm, which brings out the flavor.

TIP! Although you don’t want to take everything wine experts say as gospel, there is still some benefit in learning from them. A good expert will admit that they don’t know everything.

Wine is great for helping you relax or to complement a great meal. It can be a good thing to learn a lot about wine, and hopefully now you understand why that is. Use the information you’ve learned, and make more of wine than you have in the past.